Check Out Qredo's Advanced Role-Based Access Controls

Published Jun 30, 2023
By Qredo Team

As part of our new Qredo platform launch, we are excited to reveal our fresh take on Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC). 

This is the second of a weekly deep dive into Qredo platform’s core advancements, going into detail on new functions and discussing how they are designed to help you achieve your goals. Read our first post on policy governance

Our latest upgrade extends an intricate and broader scope of RBAC customization. Now you can effortlessly master risk management, add extra layers of control, and create solid disaster recovery plans – all while eliminating the notorious weak spots associated with private key storage and management. 

How does RBAC work on the new Qredo platform?

In the previous iteration of the Qredo platform, the depth of RBAC was rather limited and did not fully appreciate the various roles within an organization. With the new Qredo platform, you’ll experience a paradigm shift.  

Qredo's new RBAC goes a notch higher than simple user-level controls. It is designed around the diverse roles in your own organization, assigning each a unique set of permissions and access levels to digital assets. Our RBAC structure is set up to safeguard your asset transfers with advanced controls over how assets are handled. 

RBAC is now an overarching control at the Workspace level. This means, as an Admin, you now have the power to create a distinct governance hierarchy within your organization. 

We've created the Workspace Admin and Portfolio Admin roles. These govern access and permissions within their jurisdictions, further diminishing the risks of human error and unauthorized access. 

In the new Qredo platform, you now have the freedom to institute Role-Based Access Controls for as many Portfolios as you need, tailoring permissions according to each role's needs. 

The purpose of Qredo's new RBAC

The RBAC feature in Qredo now facilitates a safe layer of control, heightening security and serving as a disaster recovery provision. 

From managing changes, supervising access, to approving transactions, our new RBAC covers it all. Roles like Workspace Admin, Portfolio Admin, Approver, Trader, and Viewer offer a diverse array of permissions and control over your digital assets. 

Let’s take a look at that in more depth. Here’s a full breakdown of all the roles in the new Qredo platform's accounts:

New users, dive into the new Qredo platform

There's no better testimony to Qredo's new platform than first-hand experience. We have an open invitation to new users to immerse themselves in it right now, while we upgrade our existing users over the coming weeks. 

We're excited for you to dive into our new platform and check out all the new features. With fortified access control, a user-friendly interface, and sophisticated governance controls, we're confident that the new Qredo platform will provide an unparalleled degree of control over your transactions and digital asset management.  

Jump in and experience the most robust protection in existence for your securely held self-custodied digital assets. 

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